2020 Road Trip Photos #31: Farm Fresh Air

Eagle Creek bubbling!

A happy creek bubbling through a happy forest filled with happy trees. Happy!

Yes, this one’s about yet another walk through grass and trees and fields and then more grass. I wasn’t kidding about walks and exercise being a recurring motif. If we can find ways to prolong our existence on this mortal plane and keep having road trips and comic cons and other good times together, while also appearing slightly more photogenic in future results, then yes, long walks are in order. Preferably around pleasant scenery. Live animals are extra credit.

Previously on Midlife Crisis Crossover:

Every year since 1999 my wife Anne and I have taken a trip to a different part of the United States and visited attractions, wonders, and events we didn’t have back home in Indianapolis. From 1999 to 2003 we did so as best friends; from 2004 to the present, as husband and wife. Then came 2020 A.D.

Even in an ordinary average year, sometimes you really need to get away from it all. In a year like this, escape is more important than ever if you can find yourself one — no matter how short it lasts, no matter how limited your boundaries are. Anne and I had two choices: either skip our tradition for 2020 and resign ourselves to a week-long staycation that looks and feels exactly like our typical weekend quarantines; or see how much we could accomplish within my prescribed limitations. We decided to expand on that and check out points of interest in multiple Indiana towns in assorted directions. We’d visited many towns over the years, but not all of them yet.

In addition to our usual personal rules, we had two simple additions in light of All This: don’t get killed, and don’t get others killed…

The Traders Point Creamery Farm Walk and Nature Trail began and ended with the scenery around their agricultural machinery and animal lodgings. The one-mile middle portion was a nature trail not unlike those we’ve enjoyed at a number of Hoosier state parks. On this quiet Friday morning with a chance of rain, we had the entire trail to ourselves, nary a moment of sharing with other humans.

fields of fields!

The fields we circled — the majority of their 150 acres, all told — were a mixer of crops and pastures jostling and mingling with each other.


Picturesque weeds to amuse the kids who don’t have to take care of lawns and haven’t yet learned to despise them.

Walk This Way!

WALK THIS WAY signs dot a few ambiguous junctions.

wooded path!

Half the path is through fields; half is wooded. A similar vibe to our state park chapters.

biggest tree!

The most imposing tree we saw. This might or might not be the big bur oak labeled on their official map.

bent tree!

Leaning tree in 3-D.


Non-compliant trees will be punished.


Concerned flying insect is concerned.

wood bench!

Wood bench for weary hikers.

better bench!

Better bench for those who make it to the next level.

energy litter.

The remnants of yesterday’s uncouth, pedestrian pedestrians.

red-winged blackbird!

As we emerge from the forest and return to the field, a red-winged blackbird greets us.

electric fence!

A dangling giant spool of spare fence wire brings some “actual working farm” verisimilitude.

roped-off paths!

Several sections were roped off that day, including their wastewater treatment pond and this off-road that wasn’t on the official map..

stream rocks!

Bordering Traders Point’s property to the east is Eagle Creek.

Eagle Creek downstream!

From here Eagle Creek heads south toward the reservoir as well as the closest state park to our house.

private property!

Oh the other side of the creek are upper-class backyards reminding visitors that just because it’s an organic farm doesn’t mean it’s in the middle of nowhere.

No Trespassing!

A more forceful sign guards one ambiguous junction and dilutes the mood of an otherwise idyllic walk.

Not pictured: one bird of prey that circled overhead for several minutes around the cow pasture area. It refused to hold still for a photo op.

To be continued!

* * * * *

[Link enclosed here to handy checklist for other chapters and for our complete road trip history to date. Follow us on Facebook or via email sign-up for new-entry alerts, or over on Twitter if you want to track my faint signs of life between entries. Thanks for reading!]

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