Chicago Photo Tribute #10: Brief Lake Michigan Walkabout

It’s that time of year again! A time for travel, a time for getting out of the house and out of town, a time for remembering what sunlight feels like, and a time for forgetting all about that nasty winter that we’ll all agree never to speak of again.

In two weeks my wife and I are heading once again up to Chicago to attend C2E2, that annual Midwest gala of a comic book convention that’s as close as we may ever come to San Diego. We’re also planning another walk around downtown Chicago, but haven’t decided on an itinerary. If you know of fantastic places or things around the Loop or the Magnificent Mile that weren’t covered in previous entries (see links below), we’re absolutely all ears.

Previously on Midlife Crisis Crossover, we shared photos from our visits over the years. With Chicago on our minds once more, it’s time to delve into the ol’ photo bag once more. Our last Chicago romp was last September, which was briefly covered here in an entry about the Gene Siskel Film Center, which for me was the highlight of the day.

Earlier in the day, we skirted once more along the shore of Lake Michigan.

Lake Michigan, Chicago, Navy Pier

This leg of our self-guided stroll took us near Navy Pier yet again, still the crowded tourist magnet.

Navy Pier gate, Chicago

See, this is the sort of sight that helps drive thoughts of blizzards and snow emergencies out of my head for the next several months. Calm waters, sunny skies, hints of a horizon, and other people’s watercraft.

boats, Lake Michigan, Chicago

Lake Michigan sailors come in all shapes and sizes. You can dock your own modest boat there or sign up for assorted short cruises. Fair warning: if you act too uncertain about your plans for the day, happy helpers along the Pier will come at you with clipboards and a sales pitch.

boats, Lake Michigan, Navy Pier, Chicago

An occasional lighthouse here and there adds an authentic nautical touch to your Great Lakes surroundings.

lighthouse, Lake Michigan, Chicago

Even if you shy away from the coast, water is nearby. This blockish fountain is surrounded on all sides by a series of painted hydrants. Visitors are welcome to walk up and frolic if temperatures permit.

fountain, hydrant, Chicago

By “visitors” I don’t mean humans only. They’re not speciesist here. Someone brought their dogs for exercise and amusement.

dogs, fountain, Chicago

Fountains shoot water. Doggies pounce. Droplets fall. Doggies tense and prepare to ambush the next bursts. Repeat until crowd can’t take so much cuteness.

doggie, fountain, Lake Michigan

Updates and more Chicago photos in the future as they occur!

* * * * *

For those who missed the rest of the series, previous installments are linked below for catching up at your leisure. You can also follow the “Chicago” tag for previous reports from C2E2 and Wizard World Chicago. The most studious diggers might also unearth my photo-free screed about last year’s employer outing, written into the wee hours after we returned home. Thanks for reading!

* Part 1: Up and Up and Up
* Part 2: the Views from Above and Around
* Part 3: Art About Town, Present and Past
* Part 4: a Few of Our Favorite Little Places
* Part 5: the Museum of Broadcast Communication
* Part 6: Art from a Present Century for a Change
* Part 7: Art of the Navy Pier
* Part 8: Little Details off Michigan Avenue
* Part 9: Architecture Potpourri

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