GenCon 2013 Photos, Part 6 of 6: Games, Cards, and Other Treasures

Previously on Midlife Crisis Crossover: souvenirs from the 2013 edition of that shindig of shindigs called GenCon. Captured so far in our retrospective:

* Part One: this year’s Costume Contest winners.
* Part Two: other Costume Contest participants.
* Part Three: still other Costume Contest participants.
* Part Four: still other costumes, but not in the official contest.
* Part Five: if you guessed “costumes”, you win!

In our long-awaited miniseries finale, we look back at the scenery, the objects, and the guests of GenCon that crossed paths with our party. According to a report today on their official Facebook page, this year’s spectacle drew a record-setting 49,000 unique visitors in attendance. And everywhere around us, everyone had options to keep them busy in this massive celebration of free-time preoccupations.

GenCon 2013 Exhibit Hall

The folks at Gale Force Nine held crowded demos for their new game based on the dearly departed Firefly. If millions of fans play it enough times in a row, maybe it’ll count as the show having an extra season.

Firefly, Gale Force Nine, GenCon 2013

Award for best globular ceiling display goes to the digital TCG SolForge. It revolved, looked funky, and thankfully lacked strobe lighting.

SolForge, GenCon 2013

Upper Deck showed off the new Marvel Legendary. If I were into trading card games, this might seem a natural fit for me. Or maybe not. Who knows?

Marvel Legendary, Upper Deck, GenCon 2013

If you’re a fan of miniatures, war games, and/or Kickstarter projects now in progress, Wrath of Kings would love to have your attention.

Wrath of Kings, GenCon 2013

The miniatures game Dark Age wins the award for most spoiler-filled slogan of the year. Way to go, guys — now we know how the entire game ends. I hope you’re all happy.

Dark Age, GenCon 2013

If you brought a few decks of trading cards you didn’t want, you could donate them to CardHalla, the annual GenCon event in which any and all volunteers could help build houses of cards for charity, then later watch them get demolished for the heck of it.

CardHalla, trading cards, GenCon 2013

Fun visual treat outside the exhibit hall: balloon Michaelangelo stands at attention while staffers try to assemble an fearsome balloon dragon, hopefully with the capability of breathing balloon fire. That would be something different.

balloon Michaelangelo, balloon dragon, GenCon 2013

GenCon had its share of personalities regaling one and all with their talents, including but not limited to the multi-instrumentalists of Water Street Bridge.

Water Street Bridge, GenCon 2013

Over in Authors’ Alley, the first guest to successfully catch my eye, lure me to a table, and sell me a book in person this year was one Jerrod Begora. No easy accomplishment, that.

Jerrod Begora, GenCon 2013

As mentioned in Part One, this year was the first time my wife and I brought our nephew along for the ride. Like many other kids his age, the star attraction in his eyes was the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! He relished the chance to see upcoming releases, buy himself a show-exclusive playing mat, pick up a couple of collector-priced cards from the dealers’ booths, and generally enjoy an environment that catered to his primary hobby in style.

Yu-Gi-Oh!, GenCon 2013

For such an enthusiast, what better life-size greeter than Number 39: Utopia?

Number 39 Utopia, Emperor Hope, GenCon 2013

And for Uncle Chauffeur, what better commemoration than taking advantage of the Konami booth’s offer of free cards that put you directly into the game? It’s a shame my stats are nonexistent and my position in the game is so lowly that chess pawns laugh at me. But I’m in the game! In fact, I’m pretty sure anyone who had their faces plastered on a card last weekend is now a part of official Yu-Gi-Oh! canon. All 49,000 of us should go add ourselves to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki right NOW.

Yu-Gi-Oh selfie, GenCon 2013

Thanks for stopping by. See you next year?

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