Wizard World Chicago 2013 Photos, Part 2 of 3: the Marvel/DC/Star Wars Costume Collection

Previously on Midlife Crisis Crossover, we began sharing cosplay pics from Wizard World Chicago 2013, albeit limited to subjects we ran across on Saturday, August 10th, because current family events negated sticking around for any additional days.

One of the more unusual Marvel options: Steampunk Iron Man! And possibly his assistant, Victorian Pepper Potts or Bethany Cabe.

steampunk Iron Man, Wizard World Chicago

The mighty Thor has no use for standing in our puny mortal lines.

Marvel's Thor, Wizard World Chicago

Black Widow commands the spotlight in this excerpt from the upcoming children’s classic, Where’s Joker?

Black Widow, Wizard World Chicago

We saw quite a few Deadpools at the con (none of them quite as off-kilter as this one), but only one Lara Croft with sensible archaeologist hat.

Deadpool, Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, Wizard World Chicago

Ant-Man, soon to star in his own major motion picture star. Behind him, a blurry Silk Spectre misses out on the limelight.

Ant-Man, Wizard World Chicago

A true rarity these days: a Marvel/DC crossover! Odin willingly grants an audience to Loki (slightly transformed yet again), Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn (forgoing makeup in order to appear more trustworthy), little suspecting the fiendish plans they have in store for him.

Odin, Loki, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn

Marvel/DC villains united! Or arguably antiheroes! Whatever! Beware the wrath of Atrocitus, animated Catwoman, Red Lantern Mera from Blackest Night, and Marvel’s Executioner.

Atrocitus, Catwoman, Mera, Executioner

A more traditional Harley Quinn betrays her puddin’ and hangs out with a new beau on the side. Because he’s Batman.

Batman, Harley Quinn, Wizard World Chicago

Green Arrow accompanied by a more recent version of his sidekick Speedy, who’s been wiped from existence thanks to the New 52.

Green Arrow, Speedy, Wizard World Chicago

Robert Louis Stevenson totally missed out by never writing a story called The Strange Case of Doctor Who and Mr. Freeze.

Mr. Freeze, Wizard World Chicago

Possibly the world’s only DC/Disney/Star Wars crossover: Academy Award Winner Marlon Brando IS Jor-El of Krypton, accompanied by his new consultants Cruella de Vil and Hanna Solo.

Jor-El, Cruella de Vil, Wizard World Chicago

Fans of the Star Wars Expanded Universe can rejoice in being represented at WWC by Darth Revan.

Darth Revan, Star Wars Expanded Universe, Wizard World Chicago

At last, a Stormtrooper who’s found the drug he’s looking for.

Vivarin Stormtrooper, Wizard World Chicago

I’m not sure whether to title this one “The Residents Go to Alderaan”, “Daft Punk on a Double Date”, or “OPPAN EMPIRE STYLE”.

Star Wars, Empire style, Wizard World Chicago

To be concluded! In the next chapter: actors and other things that aren’t costumes.

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  1. Pingback: Wizard World Chicago 2013 Photos, Part 3 of 3: Actors, Artists Alley, and Things | Midlife Crisis Crossover

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